How To Do Legal Abortion In Bali Indonesia

How To Do Legal Abortion In Bali Indonesia

Having too much fun? Living YOLO at bali trips? This seems too much but the reality many of foreigner got confused when they got pregnancy or miscariage especially with indonesia abortion law. Now I want to share How To Do Legal Abortion In Bali Indonesia.

What if I tell you some secret?

Yes, somehow it is legal to do an abortion in bali while you travel on your visa in indonesia. Because the rules here if you can’t do pregnancy normally you can abort it. You can do it as is at your home country with some misoprostol pills or plan b or etc.

But how to get misoprostol in bali?

Wondering you can’t just ask for the meds in century or guardian like that’s. You need some prescription to claim misoprostol. For the simple way you can consult with online doctor called doctor angel and ask the doctor if you can get the misoprostol prescribed for the dose you need for your pregnancy age.

Providing you the “safest way of delivery”

Our doctor always 24/7 online so whenever you’re ready to use the misoprostol, I’ll be in touch so you won’t miss a guidance when using it. And our doctor will guide you in english language so we don’t have a language barrier while concerning it’s a health thing.

Private delivery door to door.

We deliver the med free shipping into your hotel or villas with private documentation so no one know your privacy. Our delivery using one night post est 1 2 day shipping process so you can estimate how long you need to stay on that’s hotel. More over you can just ask your indonesian friends to buy it from our website.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We provide the best abortion service in indonesia with many customer having good testimonial of abortion from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 month of pregnancy that’s have been successful y aborted. We only sell pure 200mcg misoprostol original per tab, doctor angel will take decision how many tab you need for your pregnancy age.


If you need some help about your unwanted pregnancy just consult with doctor angel you can click the picture above so you can contact her on whatsapp. I hope the best for your travel journey while in bali. And as you know many local girl that wants to make a “relationship” with foreigner so they have a kids from you and you’ll make family with them. If you really expect that thing to be happen, that’s great. But not all of you want the long story. So let’s make it short decision as simple as 1 2 3 you can finish it. So that’s How To Do Legal Abortion In Bali Indonesia.

If you want to explore more article in this website we prefers to use google translate as our articles written in indonesia language.


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